The Kiosk

Kiosks.....where do I begin.
Lets get one thing straight Kiosk nazi. I don't want your hair weaves, I don't want your nail creme, I don't want your cell phone cases, and I ESPCIALLY don't want your fake designer purses. I just want to walk the mall without some european man with slick hair asking me if he can file my nails. I just want to get to Nordstroms people.
Your so cute I am gonna strap you down and staple one of those fake ponytails to your greasy head. Then I will take out every nail file you own and go to town! Once your hands start to bleed, I will then go one Kiosk over and borrow some Proactiv Revitalizing Toner to soak your bleeding hands in (ouch, thats gonna leave a mark). I will then beat you with a sequined covered cell phone case and top it off by taking your picture, and having it converted to a Pencil Sketch (yeh, they have a Kiosk to do that too).