Bathroom Behavior

Women, your bathroom behavior is an abomination. I mean, if your gonna hover over the seat, WIPE UP YOUR OWN PEE! Every woman knows that it can spray in some strange ways when your squatting like that, so be kind and take 2 seconds to check the seat...its a nice gesture don't you think?
18 stalls open and you know that son of a bitch that comes in after you is gonna choose the one right next to you. What if your dropping a deuce? Don't you want some privacy? WHAT THE FUCK! Can't you see I chose the last stall in the row for a reason....I WANT SOME PRIVACY
And another thing, WASH YOUR HANDS! You just stuck them way to close to either your cooter and or your ass. Even if I chowed box, I would expect both the box and your hands would be at a certain level of cleanliness. Thanks
Your so cute, Id like to hold you up by your ankles and dunk your head in the toilet I just pissed in. Then I will take the plunger, stuff it up your non-lubricated ass in hopes that the wooden handle will leave splinters. I will find a toilet with a steamy floater in it, tie you to it and make you waft that lovely aroma. After a few hours, I will douse you in antibacterial soap and leave you naked under the hand dryer. You will certainly think twice about your stank ass horrible bathroom behavior when I finish with you.
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