MPP Part 2

Last week I received some criticism because many people thought my "beating" was not violent enough. Since I am WICKED PISSA ANGRY today, I figured this beating may act as a form of release from the wicked world inside my head. Hopefully you assholes will get off my shit now. Do you think maintaining this beating is my only job? Why don't you go walk into oncoming traffic you cracker ass mo-fo's.......and good luck with that.
Maria is so cute I'd like to "tune in Tokyo" and twist her nipples till they fall off and bleed. Then I will take her by the pony tail, tie her to a camera tri-pod and repeatedly hurl darts at her (of course using the areas where her nipples used to be at as targets. Once I'm finished, I will shove a giant steak up her butt and roast her over a fire. I heard Argentinean meat goes lovely with Chimichurri sauce and a side of Yuca Frita.
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