Licence Plates

Here I am, driving down the highway minding my own business, and WHAM, a black 5-series BMW cuts me off. Now, what's interesting to me is why this man would have a licence plate that reads BMW. Yes my friend, we are aware that you are #1. a prick, and #2. driving a BMW. But what happens when you decide to sell your car? What happens if you go with a Porsche? All of a sudden that unique way to draw the attention away from that unusually small dick of yours now becomes down right stupid. Better get your ass to the registry and request a new plate number.........
Your so cute I want to rip the BMW emblem from your car and hot glue it to your forehead. Then I will strap you to the front of my truck and drive erratically up and down 128, tailgating cars so closely that your face hits the bumpers. After our thrillride, Ill take a baseball bat to that beloved BMW of yours, making it unrecognizable. That will be the last time you ever cut someone off!
"What is the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? The porcupine has pricks on the outside".