I know its probably more appropriate to rip on our crappy weather, however that was already done! Today, its all about Dunkin Donuts. I went this morning, and spent 20 minutes in line waiting for a tea and cruller. WHY YOU ASK? Because there were three people behind the counter two of which were out back doing whatever the hell it is that those D&D workers do. I asked for a decaf tea with skim milk and sugar, and you would have thought I asked the dam girl to recite the Gettysburg Address or something. Sorry D&D girls, your getting ripped on today!
They are so cute I'd like to first pour scolding hot coffee on them. Then I will beat them with a rolling pin, stuff their face with dough and throw them in the frialator. Once they are crispy, Ill douse them with powdered sugar, and make them wait in line for 20 minutes till someone gets a hose to cool off their crispy skinned bodies.
Ew, that was kind of gross.
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