Sara Spurr

Hi Y'all,
As you may or may not know, today is Sara's last day as a THP employee. I know many of you do not know Sara like I do so if this beating seems a bit random please understand it is sooooooooooo incredibly perfect! In honor of my good friend I will dedicate my beating to her. Sara, this ones for you!
She is so cute that I would like to knock her out by hurling fistfuls of deep fried butter and grits at her. Then I will cover her entire body with Barack Obama bumper stickers, making sure no skin is left visible. After I will make her sit and listen to me say EVERYTHING grammatically incorrect as she is rendered helpless, not being able to correct me. I will finish off my beating by ripping pages out of her favorite books and cancelling her library card.
Sara, I love you!
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